Each FAR region has an Arable Research Group (ARG) made up of growers and industry personnel. ARGs act as a conduit for information on seasonal and regional issues and concerns, and are elected by growers.
ARG Chair: Mike Parker (MC)
ARG members
Alan Henderson (MC), Andrew Reymer, Chris Paterson, Chris Pellow (RDAC), Colin Jackson, Colin Mackinnon, David Wordsworth, Donald Stobie, Grant Dixon, John Austin, Mark Ernest (MC), Martin Johnson, Paul Ambler, Paul Hunter, Rowland Tsimba, Simon Fookes.
ARG Chair: Paul Mackintosh (MC)(B)
ARG members
Alan Taylor, Brendon Williams, David McDonald (RDAC), Dion Fleming (MC), Douglas Giles, Hew Dalrymple (MC), James Abbiss, Marcus Nitschke, Michael Abbiss, Richard Green, Tim Gorton, Tim Harris.
ARG Chair: Hugh Ritchie (MC) - 027 444 1224
ARG members
Ed White, Ewan Powdrell, Mark Guscott, Michael Williams (RDAC, MC), Nathan Williams, Patrick Nicolle, Paul Oliver, Simon Campbell, Simon White (MC), Toby Parker.
ARG Chair: Matthew McEvedy (MC) - 027 408 6193
ARG members
Andrew Gillanders, David Birkett (MC), Douglas Gough, Earl Worsfold (RDAC, MC), Jim Macartney, Justin Inwood, Quentin Withell, Rachael Robinson, Roscoe Taggart., Simon Wright, Tony Redmond, Val McMillan (B)
ARG Chair: Brent Austin (MC)
ARG members
Andrew Scott, Brian Leadley, Geert Lepoutre, George Lilley, Hamish Marr (RDAC), James Thomas, Jo Copland, Randal Hanrahan, Shane Butler, Simon Lochhead, Steve Sim (MC), Steven Bierema (MC)(B), Tim Brooker (industry).
ARG Chair: Guy Wigley (MC) (B) - 027 603 3821
ARG members
Andrew Darling, Colin Hurst (MC), Grant Duff, Guy Slater, Hugh Wigley (RDAC), Michael Porter, Michael Tayler, Nigel Rathgen, Peter Mitchell (MC), Richard Porter, Roger Lasham, Rutherford Wilson.
ARG Chair: Steve Wilkins (RDAC Chair)(MC)(B) - 027 437 5209
ARG members
Andrew Horrell, Blair Drysdale (MC, RDAC), Chris Dillon, Craig Whiteside (MC), David Henderson, Earl Dillon, Howard Clarke, Michael Gardyne, Mike Solari, Morgan Horrell, Murray Baird, Nick Hishon (industry), Peter Clarke, Robbie Clarke, Robert Auld.